
The home of Melbourne pop songwriter Wilding

I'm Wilding, a bedroom-pop songwriter from Melbourne. Wilding’s my middle name. I felt a little self-conscious using my full name. Plus, Wilding sounds sort of cool. It was my Dad's name and his Dad's too. I was told one of my forebearers won a pretty penny on a racehorse called Wilding. Since then the name's been carried on through subsequent generations. This happens sometimes.

I grew up in an unremarkable town outside Liverpool, England. On the peat-sodden banks of the River Mersey, nestled next to the biggest oil refinery in Europe. At times it was humdrum, but we made our own adventures. The Mersey was a thickly polluted river system but, knowing no better, my brothers and I swam and played in it. We collected tadpoles. We chased butterflies along the motorway.

I eventually ended up here in Melbourne, Australia. But before here, there was Brisbane. I moved from damp grey England to live with my maternal grandmother in sunny suburban Brisbane. I liked it there. It quickly became home. Melbourne's better though – everybody knows that.

Anyway, I write songs and make music. Have a listen. You’ll see that my hometown left a lasting mark on my music - British-flavoured pop.

If you'd like to know more then download the The Death Of Foley’s Mall media release or the Molecules To Moons media release or perhaps some photos.